Amoeba Records

I wonder what you think
when you look at me like that
prolly the same thing I’m thinking
when I look at you like that
it was a 72-hour watch
& every second I thought of you
everybody was wearing white like
it was the only color in the whole wide world
time turns memory into stone
like the lid of my sarcophagus
you deliberately touched my ear
that’s what bent my antennae
and sent the satellites crashing
even the bots blushed
I gathered the glimmering shimmering shards for you
you filled your bonnet with the ones
that’d shine the brightest in the full moon night

Now I know what you think
when you look at me like that
it’s the same thing I think
when I look at you like that


Christian Garduno is the recipient of the 2019 national Willie Morris Award for Southern Poetry and a Finalist in the 2020-2021 Tennessee Williams & New Orleans Writing Contest. He lives and writes along the South Texas coast with his wonderful wife Nahemie and young son Dylan.