At Costco

Looking up, I see a guy on the other side of the display table

who’s also looking at clothes. He’s wearing a t-shirt that reads, 

“Don’t even bother ‘cause I’ll just ignore you!”

Thinking that this is pretty original, I’m about to ask him 

whether he made it up or purchased the shirt with the saying

already on it, when our eyes meet-- his expression saying exactly

what’s on the shirt.

With that, I completely ignore him. 


Jeffrey Zable is a teacher, conga drummer/percussionist who plays for dance classes and rumbas around the San Francisco Bay Area, and a writer of poetry, flash-fiction, and non-fiction. He's published five chapbooks, and his writing has appeared in hundreds of literary magazines and anthologies, more recently in Sufferer's Digest, Ranger, Sein Und Werden, Midsummer Dream House, Red Eft, and many others.