Whenever I’m around them one will be calling the other honeybunch,
sweetheart, and sometimes my darling. In the time that I’ve known them
I’ve never seen them argue, or even come close to an inkling of conflict.
He recently told me that he no longer gets depressed, and she’s pretty
much said the same in telling me, “I accept most everything and don’t
look back or ahead!”
I often wonder how they do it, and if I might catch them off-guard
sometime acting more like normal people.
This I keep hoping, just so I don’t feel like I’m so far behind them
on the happiness scale.
Jeffrey Zable is a teacher, conga drummer/percussionist who plays for dance classes and rumbas around the San Francisco Bay Area, and a writer of poetry, flash-fiction, and non-fiction. He's published five chapbooks, and his writing has appeared in hundreds of literary magazines and anthologies, more recently in Sufferer's Digest, Ranger, Sein Und Werden, Midsummer Dream House, Red Eft, and many others.