Fin Rose Aborizk is a writer, poet, spoken word artist, & overall creator. She began writing at an early age and entered the publishing world in 2017, where Dreams In Hiding Writing was born. Her first work is Leave The Dreaming To The Flowers, and with multiple poetry collections, a short story collection and an anthology of her own curation, Fin goes wherever creativity guides her. She has been featured in numerous magazines and anthologies over the years, and in 2023, At the Beginning of Yesterday was released with its companion collection On the Ever-Lovely Morrow following in 2024. 

In between writing, daydreaming about their next tattoo, and reading Rumi, she works on zines and shares the necessity of poetry however she can. 

Instagram: Dreamsinhiding.writing


Not every word out of a poet’s mouth is a poem.

A poet was not born to be graceful in life. 

Artists, creators, 

We are not meant to be sunshine all the time. 

We must feel the whole of it all 

If we are to write about it, to create anything about it, 

We must become the ether and we must become the night. We must become the

rainbow and we must become the spite. 

We must become the errors, the mistakes and the mislead.

We must become the frustrated, the enraged, and the wrath. 

We must become everything, for how else are we to encapsulate it

 At all?